3.1. Overview

In PostgreSQL, although the parallel query implemented in version 9.6 uses multiple background worker processes, a backend process basically handles all queries issued by the connected client. This backend consists of five subsystems:

  1. Parser
    The parser generates a parse tree from an SQL statement in plain text.
  2. Analyzer/Analyser
    The analyzer/analyser carries out a semantic analysis of a parse tree and generates a query tree.
  3. Rewriter
    The rewriter transforms a query tree using the rules stored in the rule system if such rules exist.
  4. Planner
    The planner generates the plan tree that can most effectively be executed from the query tree.
  5. Executor
    The executor executes the query by accessing the tables and indexes in the order that was created by the plan tree.
Figure 3.1. Query Processing.

In this section, an overview of these subsystems is provided. Due to the fact that the planner and the executor are very complicated, a detailed explanation for these functions will be provided in the following sections.


PostgreSQL’s query processing is described in the official document in detail.

3.1.1. Parser

The parser generates a parse tree that can be read by subsequent subsystems from an SQL statement in plain text. Here is a specific example, without a detailed description.

Let us consider the query shown below.

testdb=# SELECT id, data FROM tbl_a WHERE id < 300 ORDER BY data;

A parse tree is a tree whose root node is the SelectStmt structure defined in parsenodes.h. Figure 3.2(b) illustrates the parse tree of the query shown in Figure 3.2(a).

typedef struct SelectStmt
        NodeTag         type;

         * These fields are used only in "leaf" SelectStmts.
        List       *distinctClause;     /* NULL, list of DISTINCT ON exprs, or
                                         * lcons(NIL,NIL) for all (SELECT DISTINCT) */
        IntoClause *intoClause;         /* target for SELECT INTO */
        List       *targetList;         /* the target list (of ResTarget) */
        List       *fromClause;         /* the FROM clause */
        Node       *whereClause;        /* WHERE qualification */
        List       *groupClause;        /* GROUP BY clauses */
        Node       *havingClause;       /* HAVING conditional-expression */
        List       *windowClause;       /* WINDOW window_name AS (...), ... */

         * In a "leaf" node representing a VALUES list, the above fields are all
         * null, and instead this field is set.  Note that the elements of the
         * sublists are just expressions, without ResTarget decoration. Also note
         * that a list element can be DEFAULT (represented as a SetToDefault
         * node), regardless of the context of the VALUES list. It's up to parse
         * analysis to reject that where not valid.
        List       *valuesLists;        /* untransformed list of expression lists */

         * These fields are used in both "leaf" SelectStmts and upper-level
         * SelectStmts.
        List       *sortClause;         /* sort clause (a list of SortBy's) */
        Node       *limitOffset;        /* # of result tuples to skip */
        Node       *limitCount;         /* # of result tuples to return */
        List       *lockingClause;      /* FOR UPDATE (list of LockingClause's) */
        WithClause *withClause;         /* WITH clause */

         * These fields are used only in upper-level SelectStmts.
        SetOperation op;                /* type of set op */
        bool            all;            /* ALL specified? */
        struct SelectStmt *larg;        /* left child */
        struct SelectStmt *rarg;        /* right child */
        /* Eventually add fields for CORRESPONDING spec here */
} SelectStmt;
Figure 3.2. An example of a parse tree.

The elements of the SELECT query and the corresponding elements of the parse tree are numbered the same. For example, (1) is an item of the first target list, and it is the column ‘id’ of the table; (4) is a WHERE clause; and so on.

The parser only checks the syntax of an input when generating a parse tree. Therefore, it only returns an error if there is a syntax error in the query.

The parser does not check the semantics of an input query. For example, even if the query contains a table name that does not exist, the parser does not return an error. Semantic checks are done by the analyzer/analyser.

3.1.2. Analyzer/Analyser

The analyzer/analyser runs a semantic analysis of a parse tree generated by the parser and generates a query tree.

The root of a query tree is the Query structure defined in parsenodes.h. This structure contains metadata of its corresponding query, such as the type of the command (SELECT, INSERT, or others), and several leaves. Each leaf forms a list or a tree and holds data for the individual particular clause.

 * Query -
 *	  Parse analysis turns all statements into a Query tree
 *	  for further processing by the rewriter and planner.
 *	  Utility statements (i.e. non-optimizable statements) have the
 *	  utilityStmt field set, and the Query itself is mostly dummy.
 *	  DECLARE CURSOR is a special case: it is represented like a SELECT,
 *	  but the original DeclareCursorStmt is stored in utilityStmt.
 *	  Planning converts a Query tree into a Plan tree headed by a PlannedStmt
 *	  node --- the Query structure is not used by the executor.
typedef struct Query
	NodeTag		type;

	CmdType		commandType;	/* select|insert|update|delete|merge|utility */

	/* where did I come from? */
	QuerySource querySource pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);

	 * query identifier (can be set by plugins); ignored for equal, as it
	 * might not be set; also not stored.  This is the result of the query
	 * jumble, hence ignored.
	uint64		queryId pg_node_attr(equal_ignore, query_jumble_ignore, read_write_ignore, read_as(0));

	/* do I set the command result tag? */
	bool		canSetTag pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);

	Node	   *utilityStmt;	/* non-null if commandType == CMD_UTILITY */

	 * rtable index of target relation for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE; 0 for
	 * SELECT.  This is ignored in the query jumble as unrelated to the
	 * compilation of the query ID.
	int			resultRelation pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);

	/* has aggregates in tlist or havingQual */
	bool		hasAggs pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
	/* has window functions in tlist */
	bool		hasWindowFuncs pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
	/* has set-returning functions in tlist */
	bool		hasTargetSRFs pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
	/* has subquery SubLink */
	bool		hasSubLinks pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
	/* distinctClause is from DISTINCT ON */
	bool		hasDistinctOn pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
	/* WITH RECURSIVE was specified */
	bool		hasRecursive pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
	bool		hasModifyingCTE pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
	/* FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE was specified */
	bool		hasForUpdate pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
	/* rewriter has applied some RLS policy */
	bool		hasRowSecurity pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
	/* is a RETURN statement */
	bool		isReturn pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);

	List	   *cteList;		/* WITH list (of CommonTableExpr's) */

	List	   *rtable;			/* list of range table entries */

	 * list of RTEPermissionInfo nodes for the rtable entries having
	 * perminfoindex > 0
	List	   *rteperminfos pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
	FromExpr   *jointree;		/* table join tree (FROM and WHERE clauses);
								 * also USING clause for MERGE */

	List	   *mergeActionList;	/* list of actions for MERGE (only) */
	/* whether to use outer join */
	bool		mergeUseOuterJoin pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);

	List	   *targetList;		/* target list (of TargetEntry) */

	/* OVERRIDING clause */
	OverridingKind override pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);

	OnConflictExpr *onConflict; /* ON CONFLICT DO [NOTHING | UPDATE] */

	List	   *returningList;	/* return-values list (of TargetEntry) */

	List	   *groupClause;	/* a list of SortGroupClause's */
	bool		groupDistinct;	/* is the group by clause distinct? */

	List	   *groupingSets;	/* a list of GroupingSet's if present */

	Node	   *havingQual;		/* qualifications applied to groups */

	List	   *windowClause;	/* a list of WindowClause's */

	List	   *distinctClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */

	List	   *sortClause;		/* a list of SortGroupClause's */

	Node	   *limitOffset;	/* # of result tuples to skip (int8 expr) */
	Node	   *limitCount;		/* # of result tuples to return (int8 expr) */
	LimitOption limitOption;	/* limit type */

	List	   *rowMarks;		/* a list of RowMarkClause's */

	Node	   *setOperations;	/* set-operation tree if this is top level of
								 * a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT query */

	 * A list of pg_constraint OIDs that the query depends on to be
	 * semantically valid
	List	   *constraintDeps pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);

	/* a list of WithCheckOption's (added during rewrite) */
	List	   *withCheckOptions pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);

	 * The following two fields identify the portion of the source text string
	 * containing this query.  They are typically only populated in top-level
	 * Queries, not in sub-queries.  When not set, they might both be zero, or
	 * both be -1 meaning "unknown".
	/* start location, or -1 if unknown */
	int			stmt_location;
	/* length in bytes; 0 means "rest of string" */
	int			stmt_len pg_node_attr(query_jumble_ignore);
} Query;

Figure 3.3 illustrates the query tree of the query shown in Figure 3.2(a) in the previous subsection.

Figure 3.3. An example of a query tree.

The above query tree is briefly described as follows:

  • The targetlist is a list of columns that are the result of this query. In this example, the list is composed of two columns: ‘id’ and ‘data’. If the input query tree uses ‘$ \ast $’ (asterisk), the analyzer/analyser will explicitly replace it with all of the columns.

  • The range table is a list of relations that are used in this query. In this example, the list holds the information of the table ’tbl_a’, such as the OID of the table and the name of the table.

  • The join tree stores the FROM clause and the WHERE clauses.

  • The sort clause is a list of SortGroupClause.

The details of the query tree are described in the official document.

3.1.3. Rewriter

The rewriter is the system that realizes the rule system. It transforms a query tree according to the rules stored in the pg_rules system catalog, if necessary. The rule system is an interesting system in itself, but the descriptions of the rule system and the rewriter have been omitted to prevent this chapter from becoming too long.


Views in PostgreSQL are implemented by using the rule system. When a view is defined by the CREATE VIEW command, the corresponding rule is automatically generated and stored in the catalog.

Assume that the following view is already defined and the corresponding rule is stored in the pg_rules system catalog:

sampledb=# CREATE VIEW employees_list
sampledb-#      AS SELECT e.id, e.name, d.name AS department
sampledb-#            FROM employees AS e, departments AS d WHERE e.department_id = d.id;

When a query that contains a view shown below is issued, the parser creates the parse tree as shown in Figure 3.4(a).

sampledb=# SELECT * FROM employees_list;

At this stage, the rewriter processes the range table node to a parse tree of the subquery, which is the corresponding view, stored in pg_rules.

Figure 3.4. An example of the rewriter stage.

Since PostgreSQL realizes views using such a mechanism, views could not be updated until version 9.2. However, views can be updated from version 9.3 onwards; nonetheless, there are many limitations in updating the view. These details are described in the official document.

3.1.4. Planner and Executor

The planner receives a query tree from the rewriter and generates a (query) plan tree that can be processed by the executor most effectively.

The planner in PostgreSQL is based on pure cost-based optimization. It does not support rule-based optimization or hints. This planner is the most complex subsystem in PostgreSQL. Therefore, an overview of the planner will be provided in the subsequent sections of this chapter.


PostgreSQL does not support planner hints in SQL, and it will not be supported forever. To use hints in queries, consider installing the pg_hint_plan extension.

As in other RDBMS, the EXPLAIN command in PostgreSQL displays the plan tree itself. A specific example is shown below:

testdb=# EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tbl_a WHERE id < 300 ORDER BY data;
                          QUERY PLAN
 Sort  (cost=182.34..183.09 rows=300 width=8)
   Sort Key: data
   ->  Seq Scan on tbl_a  (cost=0.00..170.00 rows=300 width=8)
         Filter: (id < 300)
(4 rows)

This result shows the plan tree shown in Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5. A simple plan tree and the relationship between the plan tree and the result of the EXPLAIN command.

A plan tree is composed of elements called plan nodes, and it is connected to the plantree list of the PlannedStmt structure. These elements are defined in plannodes.h. Details will be explained in Section 3.3.3 (and Section

Each plan node has information that the executor requires for processing. In the case of a single-table query, the executor processes from the end of the plan tree to the root.

For example, the plan tree shown in Figure 3.5 is a list of a sort node and a sequential scan node. Therefore, the executor scans the table tbl_a by a sequential scan and then sorts the obtained result.

The executor reads and writes tables and indexes in the database cluster via the buffer manager described in Chapter 8. When processing a query, the executor uses some memory areas, such as temp_buffers and work_mem, allocated in advance and creates temporary files if necessary.

In addition, when accessing tuples, PostgreSQL uses the concurrency control mechanism to maintain consistency and isolation of the running transactions. The concurrency control mechanism is described in Chapter 5.

Figure 3.6. The relationship among the executor, buffer manager and temporary files.