12.3. Word Embedding

In natural language processing (NLP), word embedding is a technique for representing words as vectors. This process transforms positive integers (indexes) into dense vectors of a fixed size.

Among the many embedding methods available, we will use Keras’s Embedding method, which randomly initializes these vectors without relying on statistical information.

Let’s see a concrete example using the Python code: embedding_sample.py.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers

target_sentences = [14, 12,  2, 15,  0]  # <SOS> Wait. <EOS> <pad>

embedding_dim = 3

embedding_layer = layers.Embedding(max(target_sentences) + 1, embedding_dim)

for i in range(len(target_sentences)):
    result = embedding_layer(tf.constant(target_sentences[i])).numpy()
    print("{:>10} => {}".format(target_sentences[i], result))

As shown below, the target sentence is encoded into 3-dimensional vectors:

$ python embedding_sample.py
        14 => [-0.04156573  0.00206254  0.00734914]
        12 => [ 0.04501722  0.03781917 -0.0214412 ]
         2 => [ 0.02111651 -0.04967414  0.00520502]
        15 => [-0.04644718 -0.02823651  0.02287232]
         0 => [ 0.01632792  0.04234136  0.02328513]

While NLP embeddings usually have higher dimensions like 256 or 512, they can effectively represent words in a much smaller space compared to one-hot encoding.