Customized Statistics Views in PostgreSQL

Posted by on Monday, September 26, 2016

I always use my customized statistics views shown below because the original ones provide only minimum information.

I show my tools in this post.


I made an extension to use them easily.


Download the extension from here:

git clone


Execute make install on the contrib directory, or Put two files, pg_stats.control and pg_stats–1.0.sql, on the ~/share/postgresql/extension/ subdirectory.

Then, execute CREATE EXTENSION pg_stats on all databases you want to use this extension.


The view pg_stat_tables is created by joining with pg_stat_user_tables and pg_statio_user_tables, and is added some columns.

Additional columns

column description
idx_scan_ratio Ratio [%] of number of index scans to number of total scans, i.e., 100 * idx_scan/(seq_scan + idx_scan)
hit_ratio Ratio [%] of number of buffer hits to total number of read blocks, i.e., 100 * heap_blks_hit/(heap_blks_read + heap_blks_hit)
ins_ratio Ratio [%] of number of INSERT operations to number of total operations, i.e., 100 * n_tup_ins/(n_tup_ins + n_tup_upd + n_tup_del)
upd_ratio Ratio [%] of number of UPDATE operations to number of total operations, i.e., 100 * n_tup_upd/(n_tup_ins + n_tup_upd + n_tup_del)
del_ratio Ratio [%] of number of DELETE operations to number of total operations, i.e., 100 * n_tup_del/(n_tup_ins + n_tup_upd + n_tup_del)
hot_upd_ratio Ratio [%] of number of rows HOT updated to number of rows updated, i.e., 100 * n_tup_hot_upd / n_tup_upd
table_size Disk space used by the specified fork (‘main’, ‘fsm’, ‘vm’) of the specified table
total_size Total disk space used by the specified table, including all indexes and TOAST data


# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_tables;
 schemaname |     relname      | relid | seq_scan | idx_scan | idx_scan_ratio | seq_tup_read | idx_tup_fetch | heap_blks_read | heap_blks_hit | hit_ratio | n_tup_ins | n_tup_upd | n_tup_del | ins_ratio | upd_ratio | del_ratio | n_tup_hot_upd | hot_upd_ratio | table_size | total_size |          last_vacuum          | last_autovacuum | vacuum_count | autovacuum_count |         last_analyze          |       last_autoanalyze        | analyze_count | autoanalyze_count 
 public     | pgbench_accounts | 16391 |        1 |       60 |             98 |       100000 |            60 |           1644 |          8424 |     83.00 |    100000 |        30 |         0 |     99.97 |      0.03 |      0.00 |             0 |             0 | 13 MB      | 15 MB      | 2016-09-25 07:33:06.279177+00 |                 |            1 |                0 | 2016-09-25 07:33:06.32018+00  | 2016-09-25 07:34:18.637476+00 |             1 |                 1
 public     | pgbench_branches | 16394 |       34 |        0 |              0 |           34 |             0 |              5 |            94 |     94.00 |         1 |        30 |         0 |      3.23 |     96.77 |      0.00 |            30 |           100 | 8192 bytes | 56 kB      | 2016-09-25 07:48:44.158106+00 |                 |            4 |                0 | 2016-09-25 07:33:06.263738+00 |                               |             1 |                 0
 public     | pgbench_history  | 16385 |        0 |          |                |            0 |               |              3 |            27 |     90.00 |        30 |         0 |         0 |    100.00 |      0.00 |      0.00 |             0 |           NaN | 8192 bytes | 8192 bytes | 2016-09-25 07:33:06.382247+00 |                 |            1 |                0 | 2016-09-25 07:33:06.382425+00 |                               |             1 |                 0
 public     | pgbench_tellers  | 16388 |       31 |        0 |              0 |          310 |             0 |              5 |           100 |     95.00 |        10 |        30 |         0 |     25.00 |     75.00 |      0.00 |            30 |           100 | 8192 bytes | 56 kB      | 2016-09-25 07:48:44.158822+00 |                 |            4 |                0 | 2016-09-25 07:33:06.267694+00 |                               |             1 |                 0
(4 rows)


The view pg_stat_indexes is created by joining with pg_stat_user_indexes and pg_statio_user_indexes, and is added some columns.

Additional columns

column description
idx_hit_ratio Ratio [%] of number of buffer hits to number of all index read, i.e., 100 * idx_blks_hit/(idx_blks_read + idx_blks_hit)
index_size Disk space used by the specified fork (‘main’, ‘fsm’) of the specified index


# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_indexes;
 schemaname |     relname      |     indexrelname      | relid | idx_scan | idx_tup_read | idx_tup_fetch | idx_blks_read | idx_blks_hit | idx_hit_ratio | index_size 
 public     | pgbench_accounts | pgbench_accounts_pkey | 16391 |       60 |           90 |            60 |            33 |          153 |            82 | 2208 kB
 public     | pgbench_branches | pgbench_branches_pkey | 16394 |        0 |            0 |             0 |             2 |            7 |            77 | 16 kB
 public     | pgbench_tellers  | pgbench_tellers_pkey  | 16388 |        0 |            0 |             0 |             2 |            4 |            66 | 16 kB
(3 rows)


The view pg_stat_users shows login time of each user.

column description
dattname Name of the database this backend is connected to
usename Name of the user logged into this backend
pid Process ID of this backend
backend_start Time when this process was started, i.e., when the client connected to the server
login_time How long this backend is running


# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_users;
 datname  | usename | pid  |         backend_start         |  login_time  
 sampledb | vagrant | 4972 | 2016-09-26 03:32:06.782921+00 | 00:05:09.257
 sampledb | vagrant | 4988 | 2016-09-26 03:35:34.716738+00 | 00:01:41.324
 sampledb | vagrant | 4998 | 2016-09-26 03:37:11.236835+00 | 00:00:04.804
 sampledb | vagrant | 4999 | 2016-09-26 03:37:11.239046+00 | 00:00:04.801
 sampledb | vagrant | 5000 | 2016-09-26 03:37:11.240234+00 | 00:00:04.8
 sampledb | vagrant | 5001 | 2016-09-26 03:37:11.241369+00 | 00:00:04.799
(6 rows)


The view pg_stat_queries shows queries and their durations.

column description
dattname Name of the database this backend is connected to
usename Name of the user logged into this backend
pid Process ID of this backend
duration How long this query is running
waiting True if this backend is currently waiting on a lock
query Text of this backend’s most recent query


# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_queries;
 datname  | usename | pid  |   duration   | waiting |                                   query                                    
 sampledb | vagrant | 4988 | 00:01:42.832 | f       | BEGIN;
 sampledb | vagrant | 4998 | 00:00:00.004 | t       | UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + -4057 WHERE bid = 1;
 sampledb | vagrant | 4999 | 00:00:00.004 | f       | END;
 sampledb | vagrant | 5000 | 00:00:00.001 | f       | UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + -1378 WHERE aid = 62207;
 sampledb | vagrant | 5001 | 00:00:00.002 | t       | UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + 550 WHERE bid = 1;
(5 rows)


The view pg_stat_long_trx catches long transactions.

column description
pid Process ID of this backend.
waiting True if this backend is currently waiting on a lock.
duration How long this transaction is running.
query Text of this backend’s most recent query.


# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_long_trx;
 pid  | waiting |   duration   |                                 query                                  
 4988 | t       | 00:00:34.031 | UPDATE test SET id = 10;
 5026 | f       | 00:05:43.063 | LOCK test;
 5054 | t       | 00:00:00.003 | UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + -3093 WHERE bid = 1;
 5055 | f       | 00:00:00.002 | UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + -1561 WHERE tid = 1;
 5056 | f       | 00:00:00.001 | SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = 42689;
 5057 | f       | 00:00:00.007 | END;
(6 rows)


The view pg_stat_waiting_locks shows waiting locks.

column description
locktype Type of the lockable object
relname Name of the table, index, view, etc.
pid Process ID of this backend
mode Name of the lock mode held or desired by this process
query Text of this backend’s most recent query
duration How long this lock is waiting


# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_waiting_locks;
   locktype    | relname | pid  |       mode       | query  |   duration   
 relation      | test    | 4988 | RowExclusiveLock | UPDATE | 00:01:02.087
 transactionid |         | 5061 | ShareLock        | UPDATE | 00:00:00.001
 transactionid |         | 5063 | ShareLock        | UPDATE | 00:00:00.006
 transactionid |         | 5064 | ShareLock        | UPDATE | 00:00:00.01
(4 rows)



SELECT *, cast((n_tup_ins + n_tup_upd + n_tup_del) AS numeric) AS total
       FROM pg_stat_user_tables
SELECT s.schemaname,       s.relname,       s.relid,
       s.seq_scan,         s.idx_scan,
       CASE WHEN s.seq_scan + s.idx_scan = 0 THEN 'NaN'::double precision
       	    ELSE round(100 * s.idx_scan/(s.seq_scan+s.idx_scan),2)  END AS idx_scan_ratio,

       s.seq_tup_read,       s.idx_tup_fetch,

       sio.heap_blks_read,       sio.heap_blks_hit,
       CASE WHEN sio.heap_blks_read = 0 THEN 0.00
       	    ELSE round(100*sio.heap_blks_hit/(sio.heap_blks_read+sio.heap_blks_hit),2)  END AS hit_ratio,

       n_tup_ins,       n_tup_upd,       n_tup_del,
       CASE WHEN = 0 THEN 0.00
       	    ELSE round((100*cast(s.n_tup_ins AS numeric)/ ,2) END AS ins_ratio,
       CASE WHEN = 0 THEN 0.00
       	    ELSE round((100*cast(s.n_tup_upd AS numeric)/ ,2) END AS upd_ratio,
       CASE WHEN = 0 THEN 0.00
       	    ELSE round((100*cast(s.n_tup_del AS numeric)/ ,2) END AS del_ratio,

       CASE WHEN s.n_tup_upd = 0 THEN 'NaN'::double precision
       	    ELSE round(100*cast(cast(n_tup_hot_upd as numeric)/n_tup_upd as numeric), 2) END AS hot_upd_ratio,

       pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(sio.relid)) AS "table_size",
       pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(sio.relid)) AS "total_size",

       s.last_vacuum,       s.last_autovacuum,
       s.vacuum_count,      s.autovacuum_count,
       s.last_analyze,      s.last_autoanalyze,
       s.analyze_count,     s.autoanalyze_count
FROM s, pg_statio_user_tables AS sio WHERE s.relid = sio.relid ORDER BY relname;


CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_stat_indexes
SELECT s.schemaname,       s.relname,       s.indexrelname,       s.relid,
       s.idx_scan,       s.idx_tup_read,       s.idx_tup_fetch,
       sio.idx_blks_read,       sio.idx_blks_hit,
       CASE WHEN sio.idx_blks_read  + sio.idx_blks_hit = 0 THEN 'NaN'::double precision
       ELSE round(100 * sio.idx_blks_hit/(sio.idx_blks_read + sio.idx_blks_hit), 2) END AS idx_hit_ratio,
       pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(s.indexrelid)) AS "index_size"
FROM pg_stat_user_indexes AS s, pg_statio_user_indexes AS sio
WHERE s.relid = sio.relid ORDER BY relname;


SELECT datname,       usename,       pid,       backend_start, 
       (current_timestamp - backend_start)::interval(3) AS "login_time"
FROM pg_stat_activity;


CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_stat_queries 
SELECT datname,       usename,       pid,
       (current_timestamp - xact_start)::interval(3) AS duration, 
       waiting,       query
FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid != pg_backend_pid();


CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_stat_long_trx 
SELECT pid,        waiting,
	(current_timestamp - xact_start)::interval(3) AS duration, query
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid();


CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_stat_waiting_locks
SELECT l.locktype,       c.relname,,       l.mode,
       substring(a.query, 1, 6) AS query,
       (current_timestamp - xact_start)::interval(3) AS duration
FROM pg_locks AS l
  LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_stat_activity AS a ON =
  LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_class AS c ON l.relation = c.oid 
WHERE  NOT l.granted ORDER BY;