Gaza, Israel

I will write what I am thinking now, along with some personal memories.

Autovacuum tip

I show a tip of autovacuum management.

As frequently mentioned, the table bloat problem is one of the most annoying things in managing PostgreSQL. Several things can cause that problem, and Autovacuum is one of them.

Datadog Failure

On March 8th, Datadog totally paralyzed around the world and it continued a few days.

I was interested in the caurses of that failure from the point of view of my pure engineering interest. However, Datadog have not disclosed anything yet.

Notable technologies

I list up three kinds of technologies I am interested in except computing. If I were young, I would try to dive into these fields.


I’ve just released pg_plan_inspector that is a framework to monitor and improve the performance of PostgreSQL using Machine Learning methods.

One movie is worth a thousand words. Watch this movie.