Testing PostgresPro's pg_arman with ptrack

Posted by on Wednesday, July 6, 2016

In this week end, I tested PostgresPro’s pg_arman with ptrack. Speaking from the conclusion, it works well.


PostgresPro’s PostgreSQL

Download the sorce code from here, and install on your PC.

$ cd /usr/local/src
$ unzip postgrespro-PGPRO9_5_ptrack.zip
$ cd postgrespro-PGPRO9_5_ptrack
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql-pro
$ make && make install

Create an archival directory:

$ cd /usr/local/pgsql-pro
$ mkdir archive_logs

Set some parameters to the postgresql.conf:

wal_level = archive 
archive_mode = on
archive_command = 'cp %p /usr/local/pgsql-pro/archive_logs/%f'
wal_log_hints = on
max_wal_senders = 1
ptrack_enable = on

In PostgresPro’s document, archive_mode and max_wal_senders are not denoted but they are necessary.

Put two lines below to the pg_ha.conf:

local   replication     postgres                                trust
host    replication     postgres            trust

PostgresPro’s pg_arman

Download the sorce code from here, and install it.

$ cd /usr/local/src/postgrespro-PGPRO9_5_ptrack/contrib
$ unzip pg_arman-ptrack.zip
$ cd pg_arman-ptrack

Edit Makefile to delete docs.

diff pg_arman-ptrack.org/Makefile pg_arman-ptrack/Makefile
< all: checksrcdir docs datapagemap.h receivelog.h streamutil.h pg_arman
> all: checksrcdir datapagemap.h receivelog.h streamutil.h pg_arman
$ make top_srcdir=/usr/local/src/postgrespro-PGPRO9_5_ptrack
$ make install

Create a backup directory and pg_arman.ini file:

$ cd /usr/local/pgsql-pro
$ ./bin/pg_arman init -B arman_backup
$ echo "ARCLOG_PATH='/usr/local/pgsql-pro/archive_logs'" > arman_backup/pg_arman.ini2


Let’s start postgres server, and do tests.

$ cd /usr/local/pgsql-pro
$ ./bin/initdb -D data
$ ./bin/pg_ctl -D data start
$ ./bin/createdb testdb
$ ./bin/psql testdb

Checking the influence of basic operations using small tables

At first, I tested the influence of basic operations: modification of both normal and TOAST tables, VACUUM and VACUUM FULL, and TRUNCATE.

Created tables and inserted tuples to them:

psql (9.5.3)
Type "help" for help.

testdb=# -- simple table
testdb=# CREATE TABLE simple_tbl (id int);
testdb=# INSERT INTO simple_tbl (id) SELECT generate_series(1,1000);
INSERT 0 1000

testdb=# -- TOAST table
testdb=# CREATE TABLE toast_tbl (id int, data text);
testdb=# INSERT INTO toast_tbl (id, data)
testdb-# SELECT i, string_agg(str,'') FROM 
testdb-# (SELECT chr(65) as str, i 
testdb(#  FROM generate_series(1,3000) length, generate_series(1,100) num(i) )t 
testdb-# GROUP BY i ORDER BY i;
INSERT 0 100

testdb=# -- VACUUM and VACUUM FULL test tables
testdb=# CREATE TABLE vacuum_tbl (id int);
testdb=# CREATE TABLE vacuum_full_tbl (id int);
testdb=# INSERT INTO vacuum_tbl (id) SELECT generate_series(1,100000);
INSERT 0 100000
testdb=# INSERT INTO vacuum_full_tbl (id) SELECT generate_series(1,100000);
INSERT 0 100000

testdb=# -- TRUNCATE test table
testdb=# CREATE TABLE truncate_tbl (id int);
testdb=# INSERT INTO truncate_tbl (id) SELECT generate_series(1,100);
INSERT 0 100

Done full backup.

$ ./bin/pg_arman backup -B /usr/local/pgsql-pro/arman_backup -D /usr/local/pgsql-pro/data \
> -b full -v -j 2 -d postgres --stream
$ ./bin/pg_arman validate -B /usr/local/pgsql-pro/arman_backup -D /usr/local/pgsql-pro/data \
> -d postgres 

Run basic operations for the respective tables:

testdb=# -- simple_tbl
testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM simple_tbl; 
 count |  sum   
  1000 | 500500
(1 row)

testdb=# DELETE FROM simple_tbl WHERE id = 1;
testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM simple_tbl; 
 count |  sum   
   999 | 500499
(1 row)

testdb=# -- toast_tbl
testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM toast_tbl; 
 count | sum  
   100 | 5050
(1 row)

testdb=# DELETE FROM toast_tbl WHERE id = 1;
testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM toast_tbl; 
 count | sum  
    99 | 5049
(1 row)

testdb=# -- vacuum_tbl
testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM vacuum_tbl; 
 count  |    sum     
 100000 | 5000050000
(1 row)

testdb=# DELETE FROM vacuum_tbl WHERE id % 50 != 1;
DELETE 98000
testdb=# VACUUM vacuum_tbl;
testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM vacuum_tbl; 
 count |   sum    
  2000 | 99952000
(1 row)

testdb=# -- vacuum_full_tbl
testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM vacuum_full_tbl; 
 count  |    sum     
 100000 | 5000050000
(1 row)

testdb=# DELETE FROM vacuum_full_tbl WHERE id % 50 != 1;
DELETE 98000
testdb=# VACUUM FULL vacuum_full_tbl;
testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM vacuum_full_tbl; 
 count |   sum    
  2000 | 99952000
(1 row)

testdb=# -- truncate_tbl
testdb=# TRUNCATE truncate_tbl;
testdb=# INSERT INTO truncate_tbl VALUES(1);
testdb=# SELECT * FROM truncate_tbl;
(1 row)

Done incremental backup with ptrack option:

$ ./bin/pg_arman backup -B /usr/local/pgsql-pro/arman_backup -D /usr/local/pgsql-pro/data \
> -b ptrack -v -j 2 -d postgres --stream
$ ./bin/pg_arman validate -B /usr/local/pgsql-pro/arman_backup -D /usr/local/pgsql-pro/data \
> -d postgres 

Stoped postgres server, deleted the database cluster, restored databese using pg_arman, and restarted the server:

$ ./bin/pg_ctl -D data stop
$ rm -rf data
$ ./bin/pg_arman restore -B /usr/local/pgsql-pro/arman_backup -D /usr/local/pgsql-pro/data \
> -j 4 -d postgres --verbose --stream
$ ./bin/pg_ctl -D data start

Checked tables:

testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM simple_tbl; 
 count |  sum   
   999 | 500499
(1 row)

testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM toast_tbl; 
 count | sum  
    99 | 5049
(1 row)

testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM vacuum_tbl; 
 count |   sum    
  2000 | 99952000
(1 row)

testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM vacuum_full_tbl; 
 count |   sum    
  2000 | 99952000
(1 row)

testdb=# SELECT count(*), sum(id) FROM truncate_tbl; 
 count | sum 
     1 |   1
(1 row)

OK! All tables have been restored perfectly!

Big table

Created a table to insert huge number of tuples, over 1 GB:

testdb=# CREATE TABLE big_tbl (id int, data text);
testdb=# SELECT pg_relation_filepath('big_tbl');
(1 row)

... insert huge number of tuples ...

testdb=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size('big_tbl'));
 1072 MB
(1 row)

The files related to the big_tbl are shown below:

$ ls -la -h data/base/16384/16427*
-rw------- 1 vagrant vagrant 1.0G  Jun  3 10:16 data/base/16384/16427
-rw------- 1 vagrant vagrant  45M  Jun  3 10:20 data/base/16384/16427.1
-rw------- 1 vagrant vagrant 288K  Jun  3 10:17 data/base/16384/16427_fsm
-rw------- 1 vagrant vagrant  24K  Jun  3 10:18 data/base/16384/16427_ptrack

Done backup full, modified the table, executed incremental backup, and then the database restored from the backup.

Confirmed that PostgresPro’s pg_arman could be applicable for a big table.

Fault tolerance

Halted postgres server during a transaction running, in order to check the ability of fault tolerance.

After doing incremental backup, I started a transaction and inserted a tuple:

testdb=# BEGIN;
testdb=# INSERT INTO test VALUES(0);

At this time, I killed the postgres process:

postgres$ pkill -9 postgres

Then I restarted postgres and modified some tables, and executed incremental backup again.

After restoring the database, I confirmed that the database was perfectly restored.


According to my simple study, PostgresPro’s ptrack patch and pg_arman work well. Of course, this is my first impression. (I cannot do corner case test since I haven’t read the source code of pg_arman.)

Before this test, I had suspected that pg_arman has some obvious bugs, but it was my misunderstand. If I have time, I’ll read the pg_arman’s source and test it.

Now, I’m interested in the ptrack patch. This patch provides the function that records whether each block of all tables is modified, to respective fork file (_ptrack).

This patch defines a new fork referred to as _ptrack.
2016.10.23: Fixed misunderstand.

In the current version of this patch (version 2), whenever WAL record is written to the WAL segment file, associated fork file is updated. whenever WAL record is written to the WAL segment file, associated fork file block is updated on the shared buffers. More precisely, whenever Postgres writes WAL records, a function of this patch extracts the relfilenode and the block number of the WAL record, then other function of this patch changes the corresponding fork file of the relfilenode. Clearly, it can be improved.

For example, just one idea, each ptrack fork block stores the LSN of the latest WAL record, and all ptrack fork files are written to the storage when executing checkpoint. This method can be avoided decreasing of performance, and if server crash occurs, ptrack fork files can be recovered by updating those files while server is recovered.